Click here to view The Greenwood Grapevine, our Virtual Bulletin
Masks OK, But Not Required
A Message From Pastor Josette Franklin
The peace of Christ be with you all.
We are now wearing masks during indoor services, classes, meetings and other church gatherings. We will practice social distancing and we will not be leaving our seats for the Passing of the Peace. We’ll continue to take temperatures, names, email addresses, phone numbers of those who attend on Sunday morning worship. Thank you all in advance for your assistance and cooperation. Let's keep praying.
People who have COVID-19 symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 are asked to please love your neighbor and do no harm and refrain from attending in-person worship services, meetings and other church events. Please wear a mask if you must go out. Here is the link for transmission updates for your convenience.
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support for the ministry of the Greenwood-Laurel Park UMC Charge. And we are praying we will see you online or in the building on Sunday!
Worship In-Person or Online
In conjunction with resuming in person worship, Greenwood UMC continues to enjoy virtual worship together at 11 a.m. EDT:
on Zoom (click here) or dial in on 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 829 5710 1589, Password: 929829
Be sure to mute your phone, especially during the music
Mail tithes & offerings or give digitally using Cash App to $GUMCVA.
Let's continue to pray for those infected or exposed and for the medical and public health people dealing with this pandemic.