Greenwood Outreach
The People of Greenwood have always been involved in outreach ministries which are an important part of making disciples of all the world.
Greenwood’s missions include:
· Aggie’s Attic – A thrift store selling all sorts of pre-owned household items and clothing, ranging from knick-knacks to furniture to clothing. All proceeds support local mission projects. The Attic is located at 6913 Lakeside Avenue in Richmond.
· Annual Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt: On the Saturday before Easter Sunday each year, the People of Greenwood host neighborhood and church family kids of all ages on the Greenwood lawn with prizes, bakery treasures and fun for everyone.
· Brunswick Stew Sale and Fall Fair: The People of Greenwood welcome Autumn and celebrate the harvest with delicious, home-cooked Brunswick Stew and other fundraisers in support of Greenwood’s local and global missions.
· Cub Scout Pack 744: – Greenwood sponsors this important youth outreach program; check them out on Facebook, too.
· Food Donation Connection (FDC): the People of Greenwood collect surplus food from local restaurants, fast food and others for distribution to those in need every Friday afternoon at 6 p.m.
· Greenwood Learning Center (GLC): the best after-school care in Glen Allen; An extension of Greenwood’s ministry to children and their families, the GLC provides a warm, caring, Christian environment for each child which will nourish him/her spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.
· Longdale Elementary School Supplies: Before school starts each year, the People of Greenwood collect school supplies for needy pupils at our local elementary school.
Shalom Farms: A ministry of the Three Notch’d District of the Virginia Conference UMC. The People of Greenwood support this important food ministry through donations and volunteer work. Check out Shalom Farms 2023 stats here and visit their website here.